
W.O.D. 1.4.21

We are open for indoor, in-person workouts as well as zoom!!!

5 Round for time of:
50 Double Unders
18 Heavy Wallballs (20/30# to 9/10ft)
2 Rope Climbs 20 ft

Community Notes:
  CLICK HERE to sign up for the RPM 10 K Double Under Challenge and choose CrossFit KoP as your team!!!

 Join us on ZOOM... 

6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

"I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures." 
- Laozi


  1. 12p Zoom
    Geoff 20:37 20Dubs/25#DB Thruster/4 Strict PU
    Anne B 16:20 20Dubs/single 20#DB thruster/10 BO Rows @40#
    Ina 18:19 30Dubs/Air WBs@12#/10 BO Rows @40#

  2. 6a
    Sean F 11:58 Legless RC to 15ft
    Danielle G 19:12 15ft
    Karen M 21:20 15ft
    Mark S 23:50 Rx
    Kate C 20:16 10ft RC+5 Pulls
    Julia C 18:22 5 Rope Pulls
    Mike M 24:46 Rx
    Jamie S 16:13 15ft (3RC/rd)
    Mak 19:02 15ft
    Colette 14:27 15ft
    Kevin B 23:30 Rx
    Subhan 16:56 10 WB/rd, 15ft
    Theresa L 14:13 15# to 8ft/16 BW Pulls
    Anna C 15:05 100 Penguin hops/ 18KB swings#30#/16 BW Pulls

    Susan A 22:30 75SU/8ft/10ft RC
    Manisha 20:45 8ft WB/15ft RC

  3. 12pm
    Meredith 19:22 (su, 10', 20@ to 8')
    Pam G 24:28 rx
    Yex 22:03 (25 du, 14#, 15')
    Sarah B 21:31 (su, 14#, 10')
    Roberto 26:37 (20#)
    Kevin H 22:20 (1 rd, 15')
    Mary H 20:13 (25 du, 12#, 1 rc 15')
    Jill H 16:05 (14#, 1 rc 15', su)
    Ben B 20:47 (1/2 du, 20#, 10 pu)
    Matty Bo 25:08 (15', 20#, su/du)
    Sam Bo 19:22 (6 pulls)
    Jessie 22:38 (1/2 du, 1rc 15')
    Dana D 21:59 (25 db pp)
    Micah 20:26 (2 pulls)
    Dana H 23:25 (15')
    Jenna 25:00 (15')
    Lea 17:34 (15')
    Jess A 20:)4 (su, 8' 10#Pp)
    Rich A 21:28 rx
    Aimee 20:38 rx
    Cate 21:42 (14#, 15')

  4. 430
    Remer 17:32 rx
    Olan 34:24 (sc eventually...)
    Natalie De 21:19 (4 rds- rope pulls/ 1min att, 12#)
    Dave H 33:57 rx
    Natalie Dr 19:32 (15 x1)
    Jonathan 34:40 (20#)
    Grace 28:10 (14#, 15')
    Mike Mit 25:30 (20#, su)
    Donna G 19:12 (18-15-12-9-5) 15'
    Joe S 21:55 (short rope 15')

    Samson 25:#6 (10# wb)
    Laura St 24:16 (30du, 1 rc, 14# rom)
    Danielle C 26:03 (dua, 14# to 8', 10#)
    Ana 27:45 rx
    Bhargav 28:50 (20du, 20#, 15')
    Greg A 27:45 rx
    Leah 25:#5 (10#, 1 rc to 15')
    Keith 29:23 (1 rc 15')
