
W.O.D. 7.9.19

Take 20 Minutes to work up to a 1 RM Overhead Squat


For time:
Run 400 Meters
30 Power Cleans (75/115#)
20 Overhead Squats (75/115#)
10 Sandbag Cleans (100/150#)

“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” 
- C.S. Lewis


  1. 1215
    Hazard 7:28 (35# one arm for all)
    Jessie 85/ 9:10 sc
    Katie 15# form/ 9:16 (15/25#)
    Matt t 175 chains/ 7:04 (75/100# fs)
    Tim h 155 pr/ 9:31 (95/ 6ohs/ 100#)
    Pete d 275 with chains/ 9:59 (100#)
    Bridget 115/ 8:19 rx
    Theresa l 125/ 8:29 (70#)
    Remer 245 pr/ 9:37 rx
    Kevin h 85/ 9:18 (115 fs)

    Choose your squat
    Mom 35 ohs/ 7:25 (15/25#)
    Dad 133 back squat/ 6:28 (45/50 sb)
    Pam 175 fs/ 6:26 (75/70)
    Ina 115 bs/ 8:42 (35/ pvc/50 sb)
    Terry 60 ohs/ 7:18 (35/33)
    Barb z 63 ohs/ 10:20 (55/35/50)

  2. 430
    Jilla 170 pr/ 7:50 rx
    Laura a 140/ 7:41 rx
    Amm 135/ 8:30 (7 sb)
    Matt bo 165/ 12:43 rx
    Tunde 100 pr/ 10:58 (55/ 50# sb)
    Lily 145 pr/ 11 ish rx
    Larissa 55/ 8:22 (33/55, 70# sb)
    Randy 165/ 11:28 rx
    Karen m 95 pr/ 10:00 (75/55, 70# sb)

  3. 5:15/6a
    Jamie Sp 95# 6:27 55#OHS
    Dana D 120#/8:29 Rx
    Kevin B 185/6:27 105#/100SB
    Mark Sp 175#/8:25 105/100SB
    Mike C 125#/6:24 75#/70SB
    Holly F 65#/8:20 65#/33#OHS/70SB

    Manny 135# PR!/10:54 75#/100#SB
    Julia C 115# PR!/9:04 65#/70#SB
    Ellie P 115# PR!/7:45 65#/50#SB
    Sam B 185# PR!/6:53 Rx

  4. 5:30
    Steph V. 113/7:51 (bike, 63rom, 70SB)
    Keith 275/9:58 rx
    Andrew M. 235/6:07 rx
    Braden 175/10:40 rx
    Jeff P. 265/6:45 rx
    Erin M. 105x3/9:18 (75/65, 70SB)
    Shawna 103/12:48 (63, 70SB)
    Micah 205/8:32 rx
    Joe S. 185/6:20 rx
    Erinn M. 105x3/8:25 (75, 70SB)
    Jen C. 165/7:18 rx
    Lauren H. 170/10:58 (70SB)
    Roberto 145/11:46 (100SB)
    Bhargav 85/11:00 (65, 70SB)
    Dan M. 175PR!/11:13 (100SB)
    Samson 165/9:58 (100SB)
    Tom 285/7:03 rx

    Gia 140BS/8:35 (BS, 70SB)
    Sarah J. 90/10:50 (55, 70SB)
    Danielle G. 145PR!/6:51 rx
    Jake 75/8:48 (70SB)
    Mike Mc. 65rom/11:00 (83clean, 33oh rom, 100sb)
    Molly 90/10:40 (65, 70SB)
    Yex 120 PR!/8:20 (65, 70SB)
    Josh S. 225/--
    Chak 135/11:02 (95,15 ohs reps, 100SB)
    Jeff H. 115/12:20 (rom, 100SB)

  5. 7am
    colleen b 140PR/7:30 rx
    Shawn w 75/7:41 65&100sb
    Anna c 40/10:00 500m row 55pc/15 ohs
    Ryan c 105/9:12 65&70sb
    Mike p 190/10:30 rx
    Laura st 65/8:43 35&50sb
    Hasan 150/10:09 100sb
    Alex b 80/10:28 500m row 60 hpc&70sb

    Aimee 135/7:49 rx
    cate 145/8:35 rx
    Julie r 125 PR/11:39 65
    Caitlyn B 110 PR 9:47 rx
    Em G 80 PR/8:43 45&70sb
    Manisha 95/8:28 60&50sb
    Christine r 95/10:16 65&50sb

  6. Neil 225 PR 9:05rx
    Kim 35 PR 7:00,15,50
    Larissa 35, 13:44 HPC @15,50
    Karen 83,9:52 55,50
    Ro 123, 10:29, 55,70
    Subhan 135,12:16 rx
