
W.O.D. 3.14.19

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
15 Calorie Row
15 Calories Bike


In 15 minutes work up to a 1RM Heavy Squat Clean

Record score for total rounds completed in the AMRAP and load on the Squat Clean.

Community Notes:
Kettlebell Kitchen and New Heights Chiropractic and Nutrition will be onsite Friday for 19.4 for "Friday Night Lights" sampling food and giving chiropractic demos and info!

"Success at anything will always come down to this: Focus and effort, and we control both." 
- Dwayne Johnson


  1. 6am
    Theresa 4, 125#
    Kevin B 6+17, 185#
    Mark S 5+26 175#
    George W 6+19 215# PR!
    Danielle G 4+21, 150#
    Jamie S 5+5, 180# PR!
    Ben M 6, 175#

    Matt D 5 rounds, 125#


  2. 8:30/9:30a
    Aimee 5rds, 185#
    Steph V 4+23, 132#
    Lea 5+5, 165# PR
    Edwin 5+17 175#
    Jenna K 4+21 176# PR
    Jill A 4+16 189#

    Shawn W 6+15, 85#
    Christine R 4+10 110# PR
    Noel 5rds, 175# squat clean/185# pwr clean
    Ina 4rds (10cal bike), 60#

  3. Aimee 185**

    Keith 5+14/ 300
    Carl 6+19/ 215
    Rich a 6+5/ 286
    Adam 4+5/ 85
    Bridget 4+23/ 125
    Subhan 6/ 155
    Karen 3+25/ 80
    Cherie 4+14/ 90

    Mom 3+8/ 52.5
    Barb z 3+17 (ski/ row)/ 58
    Anne b 3+24/ 65
    Jack 5/ 115
    Joe 4/ 135

    Lauren 3+20/ 115
    Kira 4+18/ 155 pr
    Ashley 5+9/ 170 pr
    Mike 6+4/ 175
    Annette 3+27/ 80 pr
    Matt 6+20/ 275 pr
    Tyler 6+15/ 235
    Frank 5+15/ 205
    Heather 5+14/ 105
    Gabriella 4+2/ 85

  4. 430
    Vinnie 5+21/ 225
    Esra 4/ 139
    Olan 5/ 195
    Julie 5+15/ 155
    Andrea 4+12/ 115
    Karen 4+8/ 105
    Raj 4+17/ 205

  5. 530
    Merna 70/ 3
    Sam 155/ 5+25
    Matt e 215/ 7
    Trini 68/ 2+10
    Rebecca 53/ 3+15
    Sarah 45/ 3
    Farrah 70/ 3+6
    Braden 6+27/ 245 pr
    Erinn 5+18/ 115
    Cory 7/ 205
    Jen c 5/ 180
    Andrew 7+16/ 245
    Jeff p 6+22/ 315
    Alex th 6+20ski/ 115
    Dan m 6/ 215 pr
    Bhargav 70/ 4
    Becky 110/ 5
    Josh mc 6+3 ski/ 175
    Alona 5+3/ 135
    Joe s 7+5/ 300 pr

    Colleen 5+23/ 150 pr
    Mike c 4+27/ 145 pr
    Chak 5+18/ 165
    Sarah j 4+6/ 135 pr
