
W.O.D. 3.20.18

For max reps at each station:
Tabata Ski Erg or Assault Bike
Rest 1:00 Minute
Tabata Chest-to-bar Pull-up
Rest 1:00 Minute
Tabata Sit-up
Rest 1:00 Minute
Tabata Air Squat
Rest 1:00 Minute
Tabata Push-up

(Each Tabata will have 8 intervals, all with 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest)

The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools. 


  1. 6am
    King 60 erg/48/94/108/72 rx
    Ellie 34/30/85/129/39 (pu)*
    Justin 60/39/95/127/72 rx
    Theresa 36/41/80/130/52 rx*
    Mark sp 51/25/91/114/50 rx
    Laura s 33/27/:)/103/32 (pu/ plank)
    Manisha 27/26/102/122/39 snake
    Mike San 37/35/81/109/51 rx*
    Angelo 53/41/88/175/111 rx
    Kevin 51/45/96/130/65 rx*

    Joe c 39/33/75/114/48 rx*
    Anna c 34/30 rom/85/123/80 snake*
    Megan w 28/32/80/91/45 (band, hand release)*
    Kate c 28/23/80/104/36 (c2ba,sn)
    Kevin l 51/32/89/105/76 rx*
    Nikki 48/44/90/131/60 rx
    Neil doogan 51/24/59/81/54 rx
    Liz s 36/25/59/120/44 (pu, knee push ups)
    Raj 39/21/71/104/36 (pu)

  2. 9:30
    Megan O 43/33/105/160/87 Bike
    Erwin 52/26/83/1010/97 Bike
    Jackie H 38/26/87/120/67 Bike, Bnd Strict, Floor Press 15#
    Connie V 31/26/72/100/39 Ski, bnd pull, inc push
    Megg L 37/26/79/126/47 Ski/bndc2b/inc push

  3. 12:15
    Olan 47/24/62/101/45 rx
    Julie r 46/41 pu/90/104/62 sn
    Gia 22/31 pu/58/115/40 sn
    Meredith 36/25 pu/70/112/62 sn
    Jp 60/37/94/132/73 rx
    Pete 58/28/61/138/71 rx
    Matt t 52/27 rom/75/100/55
    Kevin t 42/45/82/127/62 rx
    Tim h 44 ski/31 band/67/96/44 sn
    Sam b 48 ski/35 band/77/129/40
    Mike Roth 46/41/84/124/66 rx
    Pam 39/46/106/134/58 rx
    Byrnsie 36/51 pu/72/83/61

  4. Matt D 32/29 band strict/85/156/54
    AMM 36/45/98/131/45
    Keith 30/33/88/151/53
    Steph C 58 ghd/99/71 snake/33/36 pull up
    Alex 36/33 c2ba/77/106/65sn
    Matt B 54erg/35/96/102/32 rx
    Intensity 44ski/37 band pu/66/91/40 knees
    Joe S 60 ghd/132/55/43 ski
    Jen C 32/35/81/138/75 knees
    Jill 28/50/88/178/73 pu
    Remer 50/54/90/143/62 rx
    Twinnie 38/40/85/128/56 snake
    Karen M35/42 pu/73/125/63 snake
    Jess a 30/34ks/71/77/52 snake
    Rich a 37/45/117/153/80 rx
    Noel 41 c2b/76su/125/56/33cal bike
    Donna 40/34pu/71/90/55 sn

  5. Masters
    Russell 32/48/52/67/27= 226
    Terry 34/26/72/107/58= 297
    Ina 28/0/77/82/56=

  6. Jenna 30/27/90/116/42 rx
    Steph v 33/47/86/71/39 (band pu,butt ball, incline)

    Neil 62/30/59/95/40 rx

  7. 5:30
    Alona 37/29/96/127/52 (C2B ROM & Pull-ups)
    Randy 52/51/77/120/54 RX
    Ryan M. 52/35/85/128/66 RX
    Josh Mc. 49/56/93/160/83 RX
    Joe M. 5/37/60/79/61 RX
    Caitlyn B. 35/27/84/110/58 (pull ups & snake)
    Matt E. 51/27/72/100/51 RX
    Brian S. 49/36/82/104/68 RX
    Josh S. 34/40/80/132/57 RX
    Flounder 31/32/61/103/41 (sc)
    Jeff P. 45/68/80/128/82 RX
    Braden 58/42/81/122/69 RX
    Caitlin O. 31/35/90/106/53 (pull ups & snake)
    Ashley M. 29/29/84/92/44 (band, snake, squat rom)

    Chuck 48/52/91/102/50 (band pu)
    Phani 40/35/76/81/44 (pull ups)
    Anvesh 35/33/44/80/40 (band pu)
    Dan M. 45/33/70/97/47 (C2B & pull ups)
    Michael C. 42/41/70/100/53 (snake)
    Lindsey 31/33/71/100/50 (pull ups, snake, ski)
    Sean S. 46/19/46/80/60 RX
