
Athlete of the Month

Hometown: Skokie, IL (northern suburb of Chicago)

Current Location: Norristown, PA (Moved to the East Coast 19 years ago)

Age: 60

Occupation: Manager of Inventory and Pricing

College: MBA – Olivet Nazarene University – BA – Northeastern Illinois University

How long have you been a CrossFitter? 1 yr and 5 months

Did you ever play sports? I played basketball in high school and then golf in college.

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? I’m a computer guy – I spend a lot of time on that. I love watching TV especially sports. When my kids were young I coached many year of soccer and went to a ton of games and gymnastic competitions. – Kelsey soccer, Teri Gymnastics

What has been your biggest achievement at CrossFit in the 2017 year? Participating in the 2017 Crossfit Open – I never would have thought I would be a part of that. Team Black baby!

What do you feel that you still need to work on? Let’s see is there enough time to talk about it all – seriously upper body strength, mobility, flexibility, double unders, cardio – OMG there is a lot!

Goals for the rest of this year? Continue to have the commitment to come to the box. To do the best I can. Never Quit no matter what ( I can hear Kelsey’s voice in my head saying that every time I want to stop) I want to walk or jog 400 meters.

What's your favorite WOD? I like the strength WODs, deadlifts, and yes I like the cardio WODs

How about your favorite food/snacks? Again I might run out of room but chocolate, ice cream, pizza and yes soda (haven’t had any since Jan 1st)

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? In high school on the basketball team our coach was so mad we missed free throws in the last game that we had to hit 500 free throws (not in a row) but each player (18 of us) had to make 500 free throws before any of us could shower and go home. It took us 3 hours to complete it.

What’s your least favorite WOD? Anyone that involves ropes. I’m not a big fan of the snatch (insert your own laugh track here)

Favorite lift/movement? Deadlifts What’s your least favorite lift/movement? Has to be the snatch, even though its getting better thanks to Coach Rachel.

What skill are you planning on working on as the new year 2017 rolls on? Continued Cardio Mondays and work on getting more upper body strength

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? Has to be the shoes.

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? I started Crossfit at 335 pounds, totally unable to do much. Thank goodness for my daughter Kelsey who said, “Dad you need to do something to change this or you will die. If I find a Crossfit Box near you will you go?” Of course I had to say yes to my daughter and she found KoP Crossfit and paid for my on-ramp class. I am now at 295 lbs and working to get that down further. I have more energy, stamina, flexibility that I have had in many many years.

Who is your favorite coach? Really – I haven’t had the pleasure to be in class with all the coaches, but Coach Giuls was my on ramp coach and Thursday 6:30 and she is very special to me. I learned so much in the beginning from Coach Jill, she really pushed me to keep going, to do whatever I can and the rest will come. I took private classes with Coach Aimee and Jill and really got a foundation. Coach Steph is my Tuesday 6:30 coach and I love her class. And now I am really enjoying the Sunday 9:00 am class with Coach Rachel. Every coach brings something different and I learn from all of you.. Coach Keith and Coach Jenna were my Crossfit Open coaches and they were very inspirational. One last mention - I know that this person is not an official coach but Maggie Sara was a huge part of my early development, I can’t tell you how much she meant to me.

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?.. I do have some PRs: Deadlift – 265 lbs, Back Squat – 155 lbs, Push press 1 rep – 90 lbs, Push Press 3 reps- 65 lbs.

More to come. I just want to say it is a total honor to be named the Athlete of the Month. It’s one of the best things that has happened to me in years. This community has saved my life. Not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually. You opened your box to this over weight, hurting man and took him under your wings. I will forever be grateful. I love you all.

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