
W.O.D. 12.27.14


Super teams of 6 (in mini-pairs) complete the following:

AMRAP in 5 Minutes
10 Push-ups
10 Thrusters (65/95#)

run 400 Meters (all athletes run together)

AMRAP in 5 Minutes
10 Burpees
10 Air Squats

run 400 Meters (all athletes run together)

AMRAP in 5 Minutes
10 Wallballs (14/20 to 8/9 ft)
10 Box Jumps (20/24")

run 400 Meters (all athletes run together)

Two athletes will work through the first AMRAP, while two are working through the second AMRAP and two are working through the third AMRAP. After the 5 minutes are up all athletes run together and progress to the next AMRAP upon coming back to the gym after the run and so on until all AMRAPs have been completed by all the athletes. The score will be the total number reps.  

Join us for a FREE FRIENDS AND FAMILY WOD today at 10:00AM.  Following the WOD there will be a brunch social at Taphouse 23, 266 E 4th Street Bridgeport, PA 19405.

Open Strength will be held at 11:00AM today. 

“If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.”
 ― Coco Chanel

1 comment:

  1. Keith, Jessie, Flounder, Shawna, Jill C. , Ryan

    King, Justin R., Sarah R., Derreck R., Jill A., Regi

    Sara S., Marci, Brian, Kiran, Jna, Cline
