

 Where did all the weights go???


For time:

3 Rounds of:
10 Deadlifts 185/275#
50 Double unders

then directly into 

3 Rounds of:
200 Meter Run
50 Air Squats

“When you can’t change the direction of the wind — adjust your sails.”
- H. Jackson Brown


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 6am

    Kristin T 14:52 @145#
    Paul D 15:11, 185#/SU
    Peter W 11:12, 225#
    Wax 17:10, 235#
    Dinger 17:22 165/SU
    King 16:48 225#
    Oleg 19:27 275#/SU
    Justin R 14:50 225#
    Alona 18:50 175#
    Megs 13:19 155#
    Ellie 13:46 133#
    Gina 15:50 155#
    Lauren M 18:35 155#/DUA/SU
    Kim G 19:50 155/SU
    Diane L 24:45 scale squats
    Erika R 16:20 155#/DUA
    Roni 16:35 165#
    Chris F 16:05 DU att
    Ryan B 12:13 Rx

  3. 6am used all the weights - no rubber plates where left!

  4. Beth 20:10 SC
    Chip 17:32 RX
    Joy 19:54 #155
    Susan 7:49#105
    Alison K. 14:39 #155
    Barb 18:09 #155, SU
    Steph C. 14:52 #85
    Sue L. 21:20 #85
    Aimee 15:20 #155
    Josh 19:00 #95
    Jonathan 11:24 #175
    Rich 17:58 SC
    Shannon 18:18 #135
    Tara 21:20 #105, SU
    Jaime 18:00 #125, SU
    Bridget 18:09 #135, SU
    Linda 21:20 #115, SU
    Brett 16:39 #225, SU
    Jeremy 21:31 #205, SU
    Diane 18:40 #185, SU
    Jodi 17:50 #125, SU
    Dan M. 18:01 #225, SU
    Mike (NY) 14:00 #275, SU
    Faith 21:50 #135, SU
    Anne 22:11 #115, SU

  5. 4:30
    Taryn 23:28 135#/su
    Keith 13:05 Rx
    Mike T 12:11 Rx
    Tracy 17:23 125#
    Jill 20:07 133#
    JZ 14:25 185#/su
    Dave 17:20 205#/su
    Becky 20:59 scale
    Sharon 23:25 Rx
    Mike P 14:24 Rx
    Joe C 19:30 245#
    Roman 18:27 Rx
    Kyle W 13:53 25#/su
    Marni 17:05 95#/su

  6. 5:30

    Laura 15:31 scale
    Patrick 18:17 245
    Dee 18:31 155
    Jill 17:24 105 su
    Lisa C 16:26 115
    Ken B 12:30 scale
    Ryan S 19:12 225 su
    Luke 24:12 225 dua
    Travis 16:54 225 400m


    Joe Cola 17:18 165 su
    Derreck 24:04 Rx
    Matt B 20:58 Rx
    Seshu 17:33 135 su
    Johnny 16:36 225
    Matt G 24:20 205
    Mike C 24:40 195 su
