

Five rounds for time of:
155/225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
Run 400 meters
15 GHD Sit-ups

Community Notes:
Paleo 101 - Fundamentals of Nutrition will be held on Wednesday, February 13th @6:30 pm. If you have recently completed Fundamentals it includes a FREE nutrition session. Meet Laura in the lobby on Wednesday at 6:30PM.

On Saturday the HOPE for Kenya WOD will begin at 9:00AM. Registration will take place upon arrival. We are raising money for CrossFit to build Schools in Kenya. Click here to donate and read more about the event, every little bit gets us closer to our goal of $14,000--the amount necessary to build a school.

The Valentines Day Massacre will occur on Sunday February 17th. This is a partner WOD, spouses, friends and significant others are welcome and we encourage you to finally get them to check out what you do!!!

"There is always room at the top"
-Daniel Webster

 Lauren Merr. 25:38 (145/situps)
Kristin T 19:16 Rx
Mike P 18:46 Rx
Rebecca 21:23 situps
Ellie 20:08 (125)
Gina 21:27 situps
Dinger 21:06 (135/situps)
Mark C 23:14 (200)
Peter 21:51 Rx
David L 19:11 (135,situps)
Tim914 M. 19:51 Rx
Casey 20:40 (73/su)
Travis 20:39 (ghd rom)
JZ 23:28 (205)
Jack 22:06 (143/su)
Paul 15:48 (scale)
Roman 19:43 (185)
Joe C 22:07 (185)
Ryan 19:41 (1 non GHD rd)
Megs 13:43 (scale)
Doug S 19:42 (185 su)
WW 22:56 (205 su)
Brynsie 21:22 (rx)
Olan 23:40 (rx)
Ph 20:28 (225/su)
Joy 11:17 (scale)
Steve M 22:19 (185)
Justin R 23:53 (185)
Smizzy 24:11 (83)
Lauren 22:13 (95 ab)
Barb 28:33 (155/135)
Chris T 25:20 (70kb ab)
Tim M 20:21 (rx)
Schaefer 18:44 (rx)
Jessey 20:39 (115)
Sarah W 30:17 (4rds 53kb)
Kara 24:16 (83 ab)
Mike W 27:27 (185)
Jonathan 23:41 (115 ab)
Erika 22:26 95
Matt B 24:43 205
Mark B 18:47 185 ab
Kyle W 22:07 165 ab
Brian R 20:47 185 ab
Faby 16:08 Rx
Balmer 17:26 Rx
Alison 21:13 ab
Albert 20:40 T2B
Kate K 22:28 Rx
Stan 29:43 155 ab
Tre 29:15 155 T2B
Jen K 26:47 103 ab
Big Al 27:16 225 ab
Dan M 22:01 185
Brian J 22:00 135 ab
Jaime 23:40 95 ab
Shannon 23:40 95 ab
Leslie 24:20 135 ab row
Anne 25:58 115 ab
Faythe 24:52 115 ab
Linda 25:03 105 su
Miranda 25:02 Rx
Kathy 26:04 65 su
Charles 24:42 115 su
Chris A 23:34 185
Vinny 18:13 Rx
Oleg 24:56 Rx
Gene 18:30 Rx
Alona 19:49 105/scale
Klutch 20:58 su
Peterbutt 22:31 su
Kate C 19:13 Rx
Tidmore 20:04 185/su
Andrew Y 23:29 135/su


  1. Is barbell cancelled Saturday because of Hope for Kenya?

  2. Barbell will be at 1:00pm. After hope for Kenya.

  3. 6am

    Lauren Merr. 25:38 (145/situps)
    Kristin T 19:16 Rx
    Mike P 18:46 Rx
    Rebecca 21:23 situps
    Ellie 20:08 (125)
    Gina 21:27 situps
    Dinger 21:06 (135/situps)
    Mark C 23:14 (200)
    Peter 21:51 Rx
    David L 19:11 (135,situps)
    Tim914 M. 19:51 Rx
    Wax DNF

  4. What time does the massacre start? I assume this is one that goes into overtime?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Do tell-- what is the Valentine's Day Massacre???

  8. The Massacre will start at 9AM and yes will most likely go into "overtime".

    Smizzy - It's a partner WOD where one partner holds a plate overhead while the other does work and then you switch when tired....there is a 50 burpee penalty for dropping the weight. Significant others are welcome and encouraged!

  9. St. Valentines Day Massacre

    Each partner must share the work load and complete a portion of the below while the other partner continually holds a bumper plate over head. (Ladies#25/Gentlemen#45). We will scale the load overhead if necessary. If the bumper plate touches the ground at any time, each partner must complete 50 burpees. The bumper plate cannot rest on any object or body part, it must be held over head. Exercises can be completed in any order.

    50 Wallballs
    75 Kettelbell swings
    100 Push Ups
    150 Sit-Ups
    200 Squats
    800 M Run

  10. 6:30

    Erika 22:26 95
    Matt B 24:43 205
    Mark B 18:47 185 ab
    Kyle W 22:07 165 ab
    Brian R 20:47 185 ab
    Faby 16:08 Rx
    Balmer 17:26 Rx
    Alison 21:13 ab
    Albert 20:40 T2B
    Kate K 22:28 Rx
    Stan 29:43 155 ab
    Tre 29:15 155 T2B
    Jen K 26:47 103 ab
    Big Al 27:16 225 ab


    Dan M 22:01 185
    Brian J 22:00 135 ab
    Jaime 23:40 95 ab
    Shannon 23:40 95 ab
    Leslie 24:20 135 ab row
    Anne 25:58 115 ab
    Faythe 24:52 115 ab
    Linda 25:03 105 su
    Miranda 25:02 Rx
    Kathy 26:04 65 su
    Charles 24:42 115 su
    Chris A 23:34 185

  11. Vinny 18:13 Rx
    Oleg 24:56 Rx
    Gene 18:30 Rx
    Alona 19:49 105/scale
    Klutch 20:58 su
    Peterbutt 22:31 su
    Kate C 19:13 Rx
    Tidmore 20:04 185/su
    Andrew Y 23:29 135/su
