
W.O.D. 11.16.11

50 Box Jumps
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
40 Box Jumps
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
30 Box Jumps
15 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
20 Box Jumps
20 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
10 Box Jumps
25 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans

The prescribed weight for the DB HPC will be 25# ladies/45# men & the box jump will be 20/21" ladies - 24/25" for men. Scale as necessary according to level and ability (up or down).

Muscle Up Clinic:
Join us on Tuesday 11/22 from 4:30-6:00PM for a muscle up clinic with Aimee. This will run during the 4:30/5:30 classes, you are welcome to come at any point during the hour and half duration. This is a FREE session for all members.

One of the original "Nasty Girls" Eva T. makes the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame

(If you have never watched this video it's worth the time) - The original "Nasty Girls" [wmv][mov]

"I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Kristin T - 12:02 Rx
Pat - 19:59 (30#)
Pooch - 15:45 (21",25#)
Mike S - 22:10 (25#)
Jay E - 23:33 Rx
Laura - 12:27 Rx
Lee - 19:14 (25#)
Cline - 19:30 (30#)
Ken 21:30 (25", 25/35)
Susan 16:02 (21", 20)
Danny 10:53 rx
Becky 19:51 rx
Cate 10:43 rx
Byrnsie 12:52 rx
Rob ph 15:32 rx
Josh 15:59 rx
Steph v 17:53 rx
Jen s 11:28 rx
Keith 15:40 rx
Alison 16:19 rx
Arin 15;37 15#
Be ca 17:25 15#
Jackie 13:01 step up/10#
Jordan 17:30
Jeff h 18:29 35#
Greg 18:19
Joy 15:31 15#
Dan 13:30 40#
Amanda 16:40 15#, 19"
Flounder 19:41 25# 20du
Katie FM 17:01 15# 108su
Oleg 19:14 Rx 21du
Kate 12:56 Rx+24"
Sheng Ching 17:44 20#/17" 335su
Rachael 17:18 Rx 130du
Denise ??:??
Dave 16:06 25#/20" 200su
Anna 14:30 10#/13" 500su!
Heather 12:28 Rx 410su
Randy 20:24 25#/21" 212su
Balmer 12:12 Rx 96du
Conn 15:19 35#/21" 66du
Borden 17:46 35#/21" 152du
Nick 17:04 35# 79du
Mark B. 18:24 30# 367su
Mike P. 16:45 Rx 68du
Fab 20:07 Rx 115du
Schell 14:28 25#/17" 150su


  1. 6:00am results

    Kristin T - 12:02 Rx
    Pat - 19:59 (30#)
    Pooch - 15:45 (21",25#)
    Mike S - 22:10 (25#)
    Jay E - 23:33 Rx
    Laura - 12:27 Rx
    Lee - 19:14 (25#)
    Cline - 19:30 (30#)

    Awesome job guys...you crushed all expectations on this WOD. 6:00am crew finished with max DU in 5 minutes...Nice work Laura with 242!!.

  2. 12:00 results:

    Ken 21:30 (25", 25/35)
    Susan 16:02 (21", 20)
    Danny 10:53 rx
    Becky 19:51 rx
    Cate 10:43 rx

  3. Rx
    Byrnsie 12:52
    Rob ph 15:32
    Josh 15:59
    Steph v 17:53
    Jen s 11:28
    Keith 15:40
    Alison 16:19

    Arin 15;37 15#
    Be ca 17:25 15#
    Jackie 13:01 step up/10#
    Jordan 17:30
    Jeff h 18:29 35#
    Greg 18:19
    Joy 15:31 15#
    Dan 13:30 40#
    Amanda 16:40 15#, 19"

  4. 5:30 and 6:30 Jumpers
    (cashout was AMRAP double unders in 5 min)
    Flounder 19:41 25# 20du
    Katie FM 17:01 15# 108su
    Oleg 19:14 Rx 21du
    Kate 12:56 Rx+24"
    Sheng Ching 17:44 20#/17" 335su
    Rachael 17:18 Rx 130du
    Denise ??:??
    Dave 16:06 25#/20" 200su
    Anna 14:30 10#/13" 500su!
    Heather 12:28 Rx 410su
    Randy 20:24 25#/21" 212su
    Balmer 12:12 Rx 96du
    Conn 15:19 35#/21" 66du
    Borden 17:46 35#/21" 152du
    Nick 17:04 35# 79du
    Mark B. 18:24 30# 367su
    Mike P. 16:45 Rx 68du
    Fab 20:07 Rx 115du
    Schell 14:28 25#/17" 150su

    nice work everyone. Welcome to Heather, Dave, and Anna from NJ. This was Dave and Anna's first CF class EVER and they had a blast. We also found out that Anna is the female Jerry when it comes to skipping rope. She is also running the Philly marathon this weekend. Good luck!
