
We are happy to announce, there is HOT water and the showers are ready for use!!!

By now, we hope that everyone has noticed the big changes being made at CrossFit KoP. We have added more wall balls, slam balls, chains, kettlebells, a prowler and two awesome scaling walls to name a few. We ask that you keep your eyes open for more surprises on the way. More importantly, perhaps, is that the showers & changing rooms are finished and are ready to be used. With this, you will no longer need to get sweat stains all over your car seats or you can go on that hot date directly from the gym. You can now take the 6:00AM class and go directly to work or stop in on your lunch break and shower before returning. If you do come directly from work, you will no longer be forced to change in the bathrooms. We hope that this addition makes your day a little bit easier and your time spent at CFKoP a little more enjoyable. For you, the opening of the showers will result in the addition of a monthly $5.00 facilities fee. We understand that some of you may not routinely use the showers so in our best effort to offset this fee, we will hold one open gym a month, which all monthly and packaged members can enjoy for free (formally a $10.00 cost). The open gym will start in November and be held on the 1st Thursday of every month at 5PM (November 4th start date). An Open Gym is an hour where the gym is open for you to select a WOD of your choice or work on a skill. There will be a CrossFit Coach available but no structured warmup/WOD or cooldown. We have offered these in the past and they have always been a great success. The strength class will continue to run on Thursdays at 5PM and will also be free for members on the FIRST Thursday of each month.

With the added facility fee, your base membership fee will remain the same, as it will for as long as you are a member at CFKoP. If you are on monthly auto-pay this charge will get lumped into your monthly dues beginning in November. For example $100 monthly charge will now be $105 or a monthly charge of $150 will now be $155. If you have paid for a contract or package we will assess the $5 monthly charge to your account at the time of your next renewal.

Thank you for all of your continued support and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Aimee or Jason at crossfitkop@gmail.com.


  1. Awesome! Thanks you guys for always adding new toys. It's really fun to play around. I especially love the new walls. Looking forward to trying out the showers.

  2. That is great. Aimee and Jason, the bathrooms are beautiful. Can I come at 6:00 am and not do the WOD, just use the shower? Gina an I won't have to share in the morning anymore. If you get a coffee maker I will pay an extra $6 a month

  3. Mike, there already IS a coffee maker. So you're golden! You can be that creepy guy that lives in the basement. (since there's already one in the attic)

  4. Having already taken advantage of the showers following today's noon class, I have to say you guys have really stepped it up! What an awesome addition to the box... not to mention the wooden walls I had fun scaling (at Tim's behest) after the WOD, and all the other fun stuff you're adding in!!

  5. seriously, we have the best box ever. i love that we get all the best toys to play with and you keep upping our game as athletes.

    sitting at the LA Games, watching the SF team struggling with muscle ups because their box doesn't have rings for them to learn on, or watching the lead male contender for $25K/first place lose it all because he can't climb a rope...we are so lucky to have what we have.

    thanks for your continued investment in us.
