
12:00 Noon "Cash out"

W.O.D. 9.30.10

2:00 Double Unders
2:00 Sit-ups
1:30 Double Unders
1:30 Sit-ups
1:00 Double Unders
1:00 Sit ups
:30 Double Unders
:30 Sit Ups

CrossFit/USAW Open Will Stream Live For Free.

"It is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight-it's the size of the fight in the dog."
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Jay E 204 Single Unders,butterfly situps
Charlie Y 312 su,butterfly situps
Bekah 773 su,butterfly situps
Kristin T 549 su,butterfly situps
Kara 202 su (+3 strung DU),butterfly situps
Jen S. 320 du/ghd sit-ups
Donkey 550 su/single leg,butterfly situps
Mom 384 su,butterfly situps
Karen 134 du,butterfly situps
Kristen S. 217 du,butterfly situps
Laura 306, du/ghd sit-ups


  1. High scores/reps today 6am class, I'll get the results up when the internet comes back up again at the box. Must be the monsoon!

  2. Thanks for all the wishes and love I can't think of a better place to make me feel younger than at my beautiful, strong, daughter's CrossFit KOP Box. I am also blessed with a very supportive son-in-law.

  3. 6am Results

    Jay E 204 Single Unders,butterfly situps
    Charlie Y 312 su
    Bekah 773 su
    Kristin T 549 su
    Kara 202 su (+3 strung DU)

  4. Happy 2 year anniversary!

    Any idea when we'll be able to register for the CF Kids seminar in April?

  5. Cheri- ill follow up with Jeff and Mikki and let you know shortly.

  6. 326 at home
    DU and butterfly situps

  7. 314 at hotel "gym" double unders and butterfly situps, but had to use my watch so timing is suspect, tried to be as close as possible but was over/under a few times.

  8. And I have to remember not to let the computer auto-fill, especially when I'm tired, so as not to be called Jeffrey in the future.

  9. @Aimee - Thanks, I'll keep watching the blog for more info on the Kids cert. I missed grabbing a spot in the Atlanta cert before it sold out, so I'm excited another east coast location is in the works -- would be super expensive to go out to California.
