
W.O.D. 9.27.10

Snatch Balance


"The difficulties which I meet with in order to realize my existence are precisely what awaken and mobilize my activities, my capacities."
-Jose Ortega Y Gasset

1 RM Snatch Results:
Pete 95
Cate 73
Jerry form
Chris T. 45
Kara 43
Olan 125
Gabe 40
Dorothy 80
Rob Ph. 120
Brian R. 115
Nikki 113
Hannah 98
Steph V. 73
Tim G. form
Jeff 105
Mel 70
Denise 35 form
Katie 35 form
Flounder form
Tim H. form
Jen S. 83
Laura 73
Conn 65
Borden 85
Jim Nash form
Sheng-Ching 22
Lindsey 55
Rob P. 115
Peterson 105
Jeff Hi. 65
Ditty form
Kristy form
Miranda 88
CC 78
Shoeless 105


  1. Update on the Crossfit KoP Treetop adventure:

    I have the following people officially signed up for the field trip:
    Stephanie V, Kristin S.,Karen L.
    Ellie H. +2, Kim G, Wendy + 1

    That makes 9 yesses. If we get up to 11 we can split the difference and buy 15 passes at the group rate and work on finding 4 people to come and reinburse. I need to know by wed if those who said maybe are coming, so we can figure the cost. I will order the tickets on friday. When i order I will ask if it would be okay to add extra persons on the day of, for those non-committal folks out there.

    you can contact me by email at stephanie@radicalhateloss.com or post to comments today.

  2. Can't go steph... I plan on being very hungover after a Halloween party...
