

W.O.D. 9.25.10

Clean and Jerk Practice

30 Clean and Jerks for time

(compare to 5.28.10)

Community Reminders:
Our Re-GRAND Opening Event is quickly approaching click here for more information. Please invite all your friends and relatives. Grace is scalable for all levels and abilities. We will host the event on Saturday, October 16th from 10AM-4PM. Sign up today at CrossFit KoP or via email crossfitkop@gmail.com. For additional information click here. We are happy to also announce that Westside Wellness will be here all day on October 16th giving consultations, evaluations and some active release therapy as needed.

There is a FREE CrossFit Class at Lululemon in Wayne today at 11:30AM. All levels, ages and abilities are welcome!

"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus."
-Mark Twain

Jim 5:52
Mike B 3:20
Dorothy 6:53
Mike F. 3:39
Jay E: 2:22
Deb: 10:32
Sam: 3:49
Rob P: 3:00

Bekah 6:03 75#
Peterson 6:28 115#
Mel 9:41 83#
Lindsey 4:22 55#
Jeff Hi. 6:30 75#
Kristin T. 5:36 65#
Mimi 4:35 35#
Kimberly 4:59 55#
Tim G 3:42 115#
Kristen S 7:37 68#


  1. Happy birthday Jeff Hi!

    Today I went to Aimee's class at Lululemon in Wayne, and we did AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

    10 med ball OHS
    10 med ball OH walking lunges
    10 pushups on med ball
    10 med ball OH walking lunges again

    I finished 5 rounds, using an 8# med ball, then checked out the store. It has some great clothing and a really helpful staff. Also, they offer yoga on Sunday mornings. I think I heard someone say they are free but I'm not sure?

  2. Shoeless - Thanks for coming out today! Glad you had fun!

    Yoga at Lululemon is complimentary on Sunday mornings at 10AM. I went last week, it was a great class.

    Hope to see everyone out at the Sweatin for Sweater Kittens event at the Expo Center in Oaks tomorrow!
